Country | Cost | Delivery Time |
USA | 12.99 USD, Free for orders over 50 USD | 2-4 working days |
Brazil, Mexico, Colombia | 20 USD, Free for orders over 90 USD | 65-70 working days |
Rest of the World | 20 USD, Free for orders over 90 USD | 25 working days |
Germany | | |
Austria | | |
Switzerland | | |
United Kingdom | | |
Rest of Europe | |
The return shipment of all products is always free of charge for you. There are no hidden costs.
Our products typically ship from their respective facilities within 1-2 business days.
Customs and import charges may apply. This varies from country to country, please check your local regulations. We can neither avoid nor refund these costs.
Depending on the state you live in your order will be shipped with different local partners.
Once a product has shipped, you'll receive a tracking number that you can use to follow your package as it makes its way to you.
If there are any problems with your delivery please send us an email at
If you want to return your product, please contact our customer service at We will create a free return label for you.